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One of my super talented friends, Carol Hazel Perry, wrote and is singing her original song Dance Out Loud in the attached video link. She is also dancing in part of it. I was lucky enough to make the cut for a few of the dance scenes in the first half (both indoors and outdoors), so check it out! You can download the song at Apple Music, Amazon, and Spotify. Just type in “Carol Hazel Perry Dancing Out Loud.” Enjoy!

Dance Out Loud. https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=NR6y69Kug6w&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3XUdT99y1pTdcvoeUYbKpeYgOW3gX8PaodAzwqyMEeaEKnkO6KjiEUGFc