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There was a time when life stood still

Friends and family all fell ill

People sheltered inside, hearts filled with fear

Frozen, we waited for the virus to clear


Jobs, dining, and worship were halted

China and the government were the ones faulted

Lipstick sales dropped as masks were worn

No touching, kissing, or loving became the new norm


Theaters, sports, and movies were gone

Nature filled the streets, even a fawn

Life as we knew it slipped away

It was fast, just like that, all in one day


Some say it’s the end, marked by a plague

There’s storms, locusts, and red water; it’s not a gag

Hate for one another fills our streets

It’s back, it’s here, WW II is on repeat


How do we stop it?  It’s spinning away fast

Day after day, we’re farther and farther from our past

Our only hope seems to be a vaccine

Scientists work hard, ‘cuz masks are for Halloween


What if simplicity never returns?

What if this is it and the sky burns?

Our life of isolation must someday end

So, friends, family, and neighbors, your ear I’ll bend


Our lives are filled with a few simple rules

We’ll return to the past if we use these tools

It’s more than masks and six feet apart

It’s deeper, bigger, a change in our heart


Put away anger, fear, blame, and frustration

Remember that, inside, we’re all the same nation

Love, patience, and understanding we need

It’s easy, it’s basic, the same for every creed


If we survive, if we make it through

Will we learn from or forget this terrible flu?

Someday, our children will tell stories that chill

Eerily, they’re stories of the year time stood still


Tomorrow is a gift not a promise, I’m sure

It’s up to us whether man will endure

So value and hold close those who are dear

There’s no guarantee we’ll survive the lost year


The end.